Master your English for a presentation

You have a presentation in English coming soon, but you don’t feel confident with your English?

Is the idea of a presentation in English stressful?

Giving a lecture in English can be stressful for several reasons. You know your subject well, but you don’t always know how to say it effectively in English. Or you don’t know if your audience will understand your English accent. Or, worse, you fear you won’t understand the questions in English from the audience at the end of your lecture.

For all these reasons, presentations in English must be prepared thoroughly. Going through the presentation with our English tutors will be a unique opportunity to test your presentation, to rehease and to discuss the topic more broadly.

5 Tips to make your English presentation a success

1. Make sure your content is suited to your audience. The content of your presentation must be perfectly adapted to your audience, for example, not too technical or not too superficial.
2. Make a stunning Powerpoint presentation. If you use slides, make sure they are clear, not to much filled with information, graphically attractive and spelling mistake free.
3. Body language and eye contact are crucial. They can change the way your audience feels about your presentation, keep it in mind on the D day.
4. Ask yourself what questions are more likely to be asked. You should leave time for questions from the audience at the end of your speech. Prepare it properly, don’t be surprised and have your answers ready.
5. Be ready to improvise. Not everything can be under control, a microphone that doesn’t work, your slides that don’t come up well, unexpected questions that come up, you have to have the ability to adapt and still deliver your presentation. The fact that it’s in English shouldn’t worry you. A regular practice of English should allow you to deal with these kinds of situation.

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