Business English: negotiation role play

Negotiating in English can be challenging. Role playing your negotiation in English before your meeting is the best way to get ready for it. It will allow you to work on different areas of the negotiation.

Think of your selling points

Preparing your selling points is definitely the first step to succeed in your negotiation. You should ask yourself key questions that will help you organize your ideas.

What are my selling points?
How can I argue against my meeting partner’s arguments?
How flexible am I? On what areas can I be more lenient? What should I ask in return?
A negotiation in English is above all a negotiation. English is only the language that will be used during the meeting. Remember, a successful negotiation should end up in a win-win situation.

Role play and know how to present your negotiation arguments in English

If the person you are negotiating with is a native-English speaker, he has an advantage over you. You shouldn’t give him the impression that your English is an issue and that you are not confident speaking to him in English.
An online English tutor can help you improve your vocabulary in your negotiation field, work on effective sentences, increase your overall confidence in English.

Keep in mind the cultural differences between you and your partner

Don’t let yourself guided by what you know. What is valid and acceptable in your country might not be accepted in others. Through role play, you can also find out some of the cultural aspects that you might have underestimated. Knowing and understanding how your partner thinks can change the outcome of a ngotiation.
Should you call your partner by his firstname? How formal should you dress? How about punctuality? These are only a few examples of the cultural questions a negotiation involves.

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